Protect Quality of life

Migrant Workers and Employment

  • The government will implement a tax exemption programme on housing materials for migrant workers post implementation of the Sri Lanka Unique Digital Identity.
  • Necessary legal and administrative reforms will be implemented to make the Foreign Employment Bureau a more efficient and effective institution.
  • The election law will be amended to allow overseas workers to vote from abroad.
  • Swift action will be taken to bring back Sri Lankan workers who are imprisoned or facing difficult situations in the Middle East and other countries and are unable to return to Sri Lanka.
  • We will introduce a new contributory insurance scheme and a special housing programme to enhance the well-being of private sector employees.
  • Enacting laws to regulate domestic work, addressing workplace harassment, ratifying relevant ILO conventions and increasing monitoring by labour officers to protect workers.
  • Gig economy self-employees and domestic employees’ rights and safety nets to be strengthened. We will bring laws and also introduce a contributory saving scheme.

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Sri Lanka for everyone

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