Safeguard the nation

Foreign Affairs and Commercial Alliances

We are a sovereign state with a multi-aligned foreign policy. Our vision is to be friends with all and enemies with none.

Sri Lanka’s foreign policy embraces a multilateral system promoting a world order governed by the rule of law and international norms. The core principles include the non-use of force, peaceful resolution of conflict and adherence to human rights.

  • Peaceful coexistence with immediate and regional neighbours devoid of military alliances, taking the lead in promoting regional integration will be the cornerstone.
  • Sri Lanka will engage with all nations and economic diplomacy will be at the core of policy formulation. Our economic diplomacy strategy will be built on the pillars of investment, trade and tourism. We developed a trade and investment policy focused on establishing a dedicated government unit for trade negotiations, akin to U.S. trade representatives, to enhance Sri Lanka’s global trade positioning.
  • Promoting a rules-based order in the Indian ocean, ensuring the best interest of the population of the Indian Ocean Region.
  • Sri Lanka will be committed to regional trading alliances.
  • We will ensure a proportion of 75% career diplomats and a maximum of 25% non-career appointments. The recruitment process will be revamped, and the appointment of family members of politicians will be prohibited.

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