Safeguard the nation

Strengthening Democracy and Reconciliation

  • Racism, extremism or separatism will not be promoted in any way. Every citizen shall be treated equally under the law irrespective of race, religion, caste, class or sex.
  • We will Implement the Trilingual language Policy as required under the current constitution of Sri Lanka.
  • We will enact legislation to ensure women and youth representation in all elected bodies.
  • Samagi Jana Sandhanaya is committed to change the present constitution and formulation of a new constitution with proper consultation with religious dignitaries, political parties representing the parliament, and members of the civil societies. In that process, our principle is to convert our present political system to parliamentary system and with maximum devolution based on 13th amendment under one country.
  • “Grama Rajya” and “Nagara Rajya”, community based democratic institutions will be created to actively engage the citizen in the decision-making process.
  • The government will be committed to fully implement the current constitution including the 13th amendment to the constitution till the passage of the new Constitution. We will reaffirm the commitment to provincial councils by not retracting the powers granted to them, and instead, strengthen the developments made at the provincial level.
  • The constitutional provision that permits Parliament to increase the number of ministers/deputy ministers/state ministers in the event a national government is formed shall be repealed.
  • The ceilings on the number of Ministers shall apply even if a National Government is formed.
  • Provincial council elections will be held within six months, and steps will be taken promptly to ensure the operation of Provincial Councils with maximum financial efficiency and effectiveness.
  • The Office of National Unity and Reconciliation, the Office on Missing Persons and the Office for Reparations will be strengthened to effectively and efficiently implement their objectives. We will facilitate the resettlement of those affected by displacement. All lands not required for security purposes will be returned to their owners without further delay. The policy of no state-sponsored demography changes will be maintained. Furthermore, specific concessions and incentives will be provided for investment in the reconstruction and development of conflict-affected areas.
  • We will organize an international donor conference aimed at securing commitments to rebuild and develop conflict-affected areas, focusing on infrastructure restoration, community development, and sustainable economic growth.
  • Taking  necessary legal and administrative steps to promptly hold the unlawfully postponed Local Government Elections.
  • Enacting legal reforms to prevent interference by the executive in the administration of justice and making necessary legal reforms to establish the independence and efficiency of the judiciary.
  • The scope of the chapter on fundamental rights will be broadened to include social and economic rights, cultural rights, rights of women, children, the aged, the disabled, environmental, housing and development rights.
  • To ensure citizens’ easy access to justice, the Court of Appeal will conduct its sittings in each Province. It will have an original fundamental rights and language rights jurisdiction. An appeal would lie to the Supreme Court with leave from the Court of Appeal or special leave from the Supreme Court.
  • Corruption in any form is deemed to be a violation of the Constitution and the Constitutional reform process will ensure that anti-corruption will be entrenched in the Constitution.
  • Complete de-politicization of the public service and providing the associated standards and provisions to the Public Service Commission.
  • Steps will be taken to fully implement the Code of Conduct for Members of Parliament, which became law on 15.04.2018, in order to establish the standards and principles required in the performance of parliamentary responsibilities, and to instil public confidence in Parliament. Priority will also be given, in parallel, to legislating codes of conduct to be followed by provincial councillors and members of local government.
  • Ministers will not be allowed, in making appointments, to recruit their family members to government and semi-government institutions falling under the purview of their ministries.
  • Those currently indicted for corruption charges before the courts will not be given nominations in future elections or any government positions.
  • Introducing legal amendments to prevent MPs from crossing over for privileges and favours, and presenting provisions making it mandatory to conclude related court proceedings within two months.

Let’s build a
Sri Lanka for everyone

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