Agriculture and Livestock Development


Agriculture and Livestock Development

  • We will implement measures to ease the debt burden on farmers by waiving of their existing farmer loans (Govi Naya). Additionally, we will ensure farmers have access to essential credit facilities to support their farming.
  • We will offer a 50kg fertiliser bag for Rs. 5,000, ensuring its continuous availability.
  • We will ensure that farmers receive high, certified prices for their rice production, protecting them from exploitation and securing their livelihoods.
  • We will also ensure the protection and uninterrupted provision of high-yield seeds, planting materials, pesticides, tools, and technology necessary for cultivation, all at a fair price.
  • Establishing the “Farmer Intelligence Service” agricultural information market to provide farmers with the opportunity to obtain a fair price for agricultural products. This programme will enable  direct connections with domestic and foreign buyers for agricultural products along with the formation of forward sales contracts with them.
  • Improving mobile and internet facilities in agricultural areas, enabling farmers to receive technical advice and connect with domestic and foreign agricultural buyers using digital platforms.
  • Redesigning and modernising agricultural institutions to ensure food security.
  • Improving agriculture and animal husbandry by value addition, crop diversification, introduction of modern agricultural inputs, and market expansion. Tax incentives will be provided for agricultural exports.
  • Preparing “land use plans” necessary for the expansion of agricultural and commercial crops.
  • Priority will be given to amending outdated laws that limit land use in a way that enhances the productivity of agricultural lands.
  • Facilities will be provided to farmers to recultivate abandoned traditionally owned lands and paddy fields that have been left uncultivated due to various issues.
  • We will introduce an insurance scheme for farmers affected by animal incursions and cultivation or production losses.
  • Establishing “Prabhaswara” cool room facilities with humidity and temperature control, and other facilities at selected locations across the island to store farmers’ products to provide them with a stable price.
  • Providing technical support and assistance to modernise farms with new technology to increase milk, egg and meat production and ensure supply without scarcity. The production of essential food items will be encouraged through guaranteed prices.
  • Providing tax incentives and encouragement for introducing modern methods such as drip irrigation, protected indoor cultivation, greenhouses, drone technology, and AI technology to agriculture.
  • Developing a methodology to encourage small and medium-scale entrepreneurs of agriculture entrepreneurs  with access to affordable credit.
  • Continuously providing necessary state patronage to promote tea, rubber, coconut, sugarcane, cinnamon, and other export agricultural crops.
  • Controlling the large-scale rice mill mafia that exploits paddy farmers and sells rice to consumers at excessive prices and re-implementing the “Shakthi Rice” programme with small and medium-scale rice mill owners.
  • We acknowledge the challenges tea smallholders face  in Sri Lanka and are dedicated to implementing targeted policies that address their current issues, enhance their productivity, and ensure their long-term prosperity for them.
  • Steps will be taken to expand the international export market for spices including cinnamon and pepper, and measures taken to provide the necessary technology to introduce value-added products, and to ensure product standards and quality. Cultivations will be expanded, and modern technology will be introduced for research, technology, and management.

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