Transparency and Accountability


Transparency and Accountability

Introducing strong anti-corruption laws and strengthening the implementation of the current legal framework will speed up justice. The recovery of stolen assets and a robust programme to curb rampant corruption in the country’s administrative system shall be the key. Establishing an independent Public Prosecutor’s Office free of political interference to bring corrupt individuals to justice will be done on an urgent basis by a simple amendment to the legislation. We will enact a Public Procurement Law to guarantee that procurement is conducted in a transparent, corruption-free and efficient manner. All government procurement shall be transferred to a digital platform.

To provide the consumer with the best quality and price, monopolistic and oligopolistic behaviour will be corrected through the immediate introduction of a competition law.

We will bring in transparency in public finance management. There shall be full disclosure on expenditure plans and debt management strategies as well as in tax administration. The establishment of the Parliamentary Budget Office would henceforth provide a detailed analysis of all government tax and expenditure proposals.

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