Construction Sector


Construction Sector

  • Launch the ‘Build Sri Lanka Fair’ initiative to create an equitable and innovative construction industry. This comprehensive policy will reintroduce contractor grade clustering, ensuring fair competition among small, medium, and large firms. It will also establish a Research and Innovation Division to spearhead the adoption of cutting-edge technologies like Building Information Modeling (BIM). This initiative aims to modernise the sector, promote local material production, and create a resilient, efficient, and transparent construction ecosystem.
  • Implement the ‘Swift Build, Smart Resolve’ programme to streamline dispute resolution and enhance regulatory compliance in the construction sector. This programme will introduce a Standing Advisory Committee on Construction Projects (SACCP) for efficient mediation of disputes, and a National Steering Committee for Construction Projects (NSCCP) to oversee high-value projects. It will also empower CIDA to enforce compliance with Standard Bidding Documents, ensuring uniformity and minimising conflicts.
  • Restarting Halted Projects with Strategic Review.
  • The future government will allocate funds to resume these essential projects while cancelling or restructuring non-essential ones, ensuring cost-effective solutions and preventing further financial burdens on contractors and the state.
  • Promoting the Export of Construction Services and Products.
  • The government should prioritise the promotion of the construction sector as an export industry. This can be operationalised by facilitating Cross-Border Guarantees, extending diplomatic Support, and initiating Export Promotion.
  • Creating a demand for the domestic housing market granting facilities for housing and Mortgage Loan Schemes for First-Time Builders.
  • Modernising the Supply Chain and Localizing construction inputs Production.
  • Allow Fair Competition and regulatory enforcement to ensure level playing.
  • The government will mandate that the Employer release retention money once the work reaches 60% completion, replacing retention funds with guarantees or bonds.

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