
Empowerment and Prosperity Building

We are committed to social justice and the protection of the vulnerable segments of society. Our philosophy is to build a self-confident, self-reliant society not dependent on the state.

  • Senior citizens, the disabled and the sick will be provided direct financial transfers.
  • Continue benefits with enhanced amount to patients of chronic kidney disease of unknown etiology (CKDu), and elderly citizens
  • Rs. 10,000 per month (from Rs. 7,500) for 50,000 CKDu-affected persons.
  • Rs. 5,000 per month (from Rs. 3,000) for 820,000 elderly citizens.
  • The unemployed and the underemployed will be trainedand reskilled, and employment and entrepreneurial opportunities will be provided, contributing to the growth of the economy. Under this scheme, presently unemployed graduates will be given the highest priority. A quick assessment of unemployed graduates will be carried out to understand their present knowledge and skills and direct them towards the government organisations where there are relevant vacancies.
  • Priority will be given to qualified youth from low-income families when providing foreign employment opportunities with government intervention.

Let’s build a
Sri Lanka for everyone

Join us and be the change