
Women and Child Empowerment

  • The government will encourage private entrepreneurs to start daycare centres covering every Grama Niladhari division and will provide financial incentives. The government will also take steps to provide all necessary support to establish daycare centres in public and private institutions as appropriate, and to regulate these daycare centres.
  • The cost of maternity leave will be borne by the state encouraging higher participation of women in the work force.
  • Necessary legal reforms will be implemented to ensure a minimum of 25% female representation in Parliament, Provincial Councils, and Local Government institutions.
  • A Presidential Task Force will be established within three months with responsibilities for ensuring gender equality, empowering women, and ensuring child protection and physical and mental well-being.
  • A panel of experts will be appointed to provide recommendations for ensuring full implementation of existing laws for the protection of women’s and children’s rights, and these recommendations will be implemented within a year.
  • The Women and Children’s Desks at every police station will operate 24 hours a day.
  • We will launch a transformative initiative to empower women-headed households, offering comprehensive support and protection to ensure both women and their children thrive in a safe and nurturing environment.
  • The regulations of micro credit institutions will be strengthened. Unauthorized micro finance businesses will be shut down and punitive action on those responsible will be expedited. We will launch a dynamic support programme to rescue individuals trapped in microfinance debt, empowering them to regain financial stability and thrive. A special intervention will be made for the protection of women pressured and abused by micro credit lenders.
  • Companies that employ more than 50% of women in selected sectors, evidenced through EPF/ ETF, will receive tax benefits.
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