
Health, Nutrition, Indigenous Medicine and Social Wellbeing

  • We will ensure the implementation of the National Nutrition Policy.
  • Over the past 25 years, there has been no improvement in the stunting of children under five, which significantly impacts our country’s development. Our strategy includes providing essential nutrients to foster healthier growth in children.
  • Recognising malnutrition in pregnant mothers and young children as a serious health issue, the programme of distributing “Thriposha” and “Nutrition Packs” to pregnant mothers and young children will be restarted.
  • A midday meal program will be implemented for school children in food-insecure areas to ensure they receive the necessary nutrition to enhance learning, growth, and skills.
  • In partnership with the food industry, affordable and healthy food options will be developed to meet community needs.
  • Recreational facilities will be upgraded to promote active lifestyles and combat sedentary behavior.
  • The expansion of care facilities for the elderly and those with chronic diseases is a priority to enhance their well-being and quality of life.
  • A full medical test will be conducted with state contribution once every three years for every citizen over 40 years of age targeting minimisation of the state healthcare expenses through early diagnosis of diseases and creating a healthy generation of citizens.
  • “Husma” programme to improve the availability of medical services to the people of Sri Lanka will be top priory of our government. A total audit of the entire health services network shall be undertaken to allocate funds over a period of time to meet global quality standards. Encourage donors to continue funding the “Husma” programme to adapt hospitals to community needs, thereby promoting improved healthcare accessibility and quality.
  • The digitised identity card will also provide health services to all citizens.
  • Expanding the right to free healthcare, we will create opportunities for children to receive treatment from any hospital by expanding the “Suraksha Health Insurance”.
  • Consider indigenous medicine as a National Heritage.
  • The government will be especially committed to promoting traditional systems of medicine including Ayurveda, traditional Sinhalese medicine, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy, and will develop a special programme to attract foreign tourists towards alternative medical practices.
  • The 1990 “Suwa Seriya” Ambulance Service, recognized as one of the world’s best ambulance services and currently highly appreciated by the public, will be promoted and protected. Furthermore, arrangements will be made to provide a better service to the public in every area of the island by the use of new technologies including Artificial Intelligence (AI).
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